
Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for submitting your participation in the International Scientific Conference organized jointly by the Faculty of Mechanics and Technology of Rzeszow University of Technology in Stalowa Wola, the Polish Armaments Group and the City of Stalowa Wola as part of the 80th anniversary of Stalowa Wola:

„Central Industrial District as the potential for development and innovation in constructions and technologies of special purpose”.

We would like to remind you that the order of publication depends on the date of submitting articles. Please send the proposals of two reviewers, including one from abroad, and their address details along with an electronic address. Accepted articles will be published in the Scientific Research Papers of Rzeszow University of Technology, Mechanics, RUTMech p-ISSN 0209-2689, e-ISSN 2300-5211.

Articles should be edited in accordance with the publishing house requirements, which are available on the website at:

In addition, we would like to inform you that all submitted presentations and abstracts of the publication will be printed in a special conference publication.

We present the „An article template_ENG” .

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